Should our doctors be allowed to have a conscience?

Our doctors’ conscience rights are under attack. Powerful special interests are putting pressure on doctors to undertake or refer patients for procedures that violate their consciences or face the consequences.

Sign this petition and tell activists to stop bullying your physician who only wants to provide you and your loved ones with the excellent healthcare you deserve.

Have you ever heard of ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)? It is a medical organization that was created to serve and safeguard women and babies, but its leadership has now been hijacked by special interests and big money.

The leaders of ACOG and other once-trustworthy medical organizations have been waging a war on pro-life medical professionals and silencing dissenting voices.

Here are a few ways medical activists are limiting your doctor’s ability to provide you with excellent healthcare:

  1. Limiting the ability of those who disagree with their politics to enter medicine. This will lead to a huge shortage not just of doctors but also nurses.
  2. Pressuring doctors-in-training to perform elective procedures that end the lives of their patients and discriminating against those who will not.
  3. Bullying those doctors that stand up for all of their patients by threatening to cancel their board certification, effectively ending their careers as caregivers.

If all of these doctors are forced out of the practice of medicine, not only will you or your loved ones have a very hard time finding a doctor who you can be certain will provide excellent healthcare for both mother and child, you might have a hard time finding a doctor at all.

The leaders of ACOG and other once-trustworthy medical organizations have been waging a war on pro-life medical professionals and silencing dissenting voices.

Stand up for doctors' conscience rights

Make your voice heard today.

Sign this petition and tell activists to stop bullying your physician who only wants to provide you and your loved ones with the excellent healthcare you deserve.

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